Friday, October 17, 2008

Feature Group of the Week: Parish Pastoral Council for Responsible Voting (PPCRV)

“PPCRV uses the infrastructure of the parish in advocating for responsible citizenship through responsible voting and calling for solidarity among all citizens—voters, as well as those aspiring for public office—towards this aim”

Formed in October 1991 as a program of the Diocese of San Pablo in preparation for the 1992 elections, PPCRV of San Antonio De Padua has grown to become one of the most active and dependable group in the Diocese. Early members then came from the concerned citizens of the Parish who are actively joining the causes and campaign for all the National issues including those young people from the Parish Youth Council (PYC) and remained with the group through the years.

“PPCRV responds to the signs of the times. The political situation in our country is such that no way can responsible voting be abstracted from the life of our democracy or from our Christian life. PPCRV looks into strategies that harness people participation in ensuring good governance – election is a powerful means. If unscrupulous politicians have been using elections for their own good, it’s time we turn the tables around. Get the fools out and let the angels in.” says PPCRV national chairperson, Ambassador Henrietta de Villa.

Over the years, PPCRV has played a major role during and in-between election time by mobilizing its volunteers to man polling precincts in the Parish, helping safeguard the integrity of the ballot, ensuring a meaningful electoral process, and campaigning non-stop for voters’ education and information on key issues.

During the May 2007 elections, almost 60 PPCRV members and volunteers of the Parish participated in poll watching and canvassing of ballots.

This year, PPCRV will roll out various voters’ education drive in the next few months by conducting Public Forums on various national and local issues as a way to “concretized its continuing advocacy to help the Parishioners develop an informed and principled stand” on these issues.

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