Monday, October 27, 2008

Feature Group of the Week: Lectors & Commentators Ministry (LCM)

The word of God is something alive and active: it cuts like any double-edged sword but more finely: it can slip through the place where the soul is divided from the spirit, or joints from the marrow; it can judge the secret emotions and thoughts. — Hebrews 4:12

The Lectors and Commentators Ministry (LCM) serves a unique role in the liturgy. While it is Jesus Himself who speaks in the Scriptures, the lector in proclaiming the Scriptures uses voice, presence, and personality so that the Word of God may be heard by the faithful. These individuals serve the community by proclaiming the first and second readings, and by offering the prayers of general intercession.

Currently there are 60 Lectors serving at the daily and weekend Masses, alternating between commentators and readers. The objective of the ministry is to extends its appreciation of this most vital of ministries from a mechanical process of reading God's word to one of deep reflection, careful preparation and powerful, expressive proclamation of Gods' word. Periodic opportunities are therefore provided to Lectors to meet and discuss ways to improve the quality of their preparation and reading of God's Word through their regular monthly meetings held every third Sunday of every month. This includes practical tips on the use of the microphone, speed, strength of reading and use of the Lectionary.

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