Friday, June 19, 2009

FEATURE ARTICLE: Prayer for Patience with Children

While your children bring you pride and joy, they also cause you great consternation. Don’t they understand that you are telling them the truth? Don’t they understand that you know best?

First, you must change your attitude. You are not always right. And even when you are right, you must understand that your children are autonomous individuals, walking their own paths. You made mistakes, and they will make mistakes. They cannot always see things the way you do, because they are not you.

If you wish to teach your children, you must do so with love. Then you must pray and wait. Lack of patience will only lead to further misunderstanding and resistance. To grow in patience you must grow in love and faith: love for your Lord and love for your children, faith in your Lord and faith in your children.

Lord Jesus, you know my great pain: My children do not understand my direction ,and I have run out of patience.

This hurts because I love my children very much.

I cannot raise them well on my own. I need your help. These children are more yours than mine.

Help me trust that, in your love for them, you will protect them.

I ask for the grace of patience. Even if my children do not understand my opinion, may they know that I love them.

Saint Joseph, father of my Lord, intercede for me, that I may be a good father.

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