Friday, June 19, 2009

FEATURE ARTICLE: Prayer for Children's Spiritual Well-Being

How important is it to you that your children have good grades in school, have lots of friends and succeed in sports and other activities? How much time do you spend helping your children with their homework, driving them to band practice or watching them play basketball? Now compare that with how much time you spend supporting your children in their spiritual journeys.

Your children’s sports statistics and school grades are not indicative of their spiritual health. While these can be legitimate concerns, success in athletics and academics will not necessarily help them love their neighbor better or grow in their relationship with God. You must show your children the way to heaven—by your words and example. And you must pray for them.

Father, you have given me beautiful children. I want them to love you here on Earth and live forever with you in heaven.

Fill them with your grace. Send down your Spirit upon them. Grant them faith, hope and love. Protect them from evil, and show them the way to you.

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